Monday, June 18, 2007

global warming....
The glaciers are melting, the sea levels are rising and the weather is changing. Primary Cause : Increased emission of carbon dioxide into our atmosphere which is trapping the heat causing global warming. Global warming has transcended all boundaries and concerns the entire human race.According to statistics global greenhouse gas emissions have grown by 70 per cent between 1970 and 2004 since the pre- industrial times .It's a catastrophe in waiting ,but who is to blame for global warming ?.
post your comment on this important issue and Remember it's never too late before you take action to avert this looming disaster ...


Simon said...

I agree with you about global warming being a huge problem. But, I don't think we can turn back the clock. Industrialism is a stable in our world and there isn't much we can do.

Anonymous said...

i think developed countries like china and united states are to blame and it's time we adopted technologies that will help in mitigating the effects of global energy is a good source of renewable energy that will cut the emmission of carbons into our atmosphere.